Safety tips for laser tag

January 23, 2023

To ensure that all our players are safe and can truly enjoy our laser tag, there are a few rules that everyone must follow.

Laser tag is an incredibly fun gaming session that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, however, no matter what your age is, you are instructed to follow some safety rules!

The reason that the following rules are in place is to ensure that we can protect the safety of every player whilst simultaneously enabling everyone to have the best time possible. As mentioned previously, all our guests must abide by these game rules and if you break them, you will not be able to continue playing our laser tag in Cheltenham.

Here are some safety rules for our laser tag

No climbing

At Funky Laser Tag, we’ve worked hard to provide a cool location with realistic features and we ask our guests to please respect the surroundings when playing. Use the equipment to your advantage to hide behind or peer around to stalk your opponents but please do not climb over or jump in the laser tag rooms. We aim to make this an immersive experience and would hate for our real-life gaming zone to be damaged or see our players injured from climbing or jumping in our indoor play area.

No physical contact

Laser tag is a non-contact sport and so we expect to see no pushing, shoving or contact with your opposition or fellow team players. Keep the game safe and fun for yourself and everyone else by keeping your distance and aiming your laser tag guns at the right targets. Our Gen8 laser tag guns will register your beams from a distance and do not require you to contact the other player to register your points.

No cheating

Cheaters are losers and we don’t welcome them at our indoor laser tag in Cheltenham. Even if you want to satisfy your competitive streak, please do this in a friendly and honest manner with no cheating involved, the best team will win by teamwork and logic, not by cheating!

If our team of professionals catch you in the act of cheating, you will be removed from the laser tag games that are in play.

No disrespect to other players

The key to winning laser tag is through grounded teamwork and respecting all players. This way, you will learn the qualities and strengths of your team and play this to your advantage in this realistic game. We will not tolerate any disrespect or derogatory comments at any point and ask all players to follow this rule.

Listen to instructions

We ask for players to listen carefully to all members of our team and to follow their instructions at any given point. Our staff will be delegating these rules and instructions in order to keep all players safe and enjoying the best laser tag in Cheltenham.

Appropriate clothing & watch out for jewellery

Going back to the standard rules of PE at school, you should remember being told to wear the right stuff and take out any jewellery. Laser tag is a physical sport and so we ask guests to apply a similar approach and be cautious of low hanging jewellery or loose clothing that could hurt yourself or any other players. That's not us saying to get your gym gear on but just to please consider the impact of what you are wearing and whether it is suitable for a game of laser tag.

Laser tag in Cheltenham

If you would like to experience the best laser tag in the West Midlands, you should take a trip to Funky Laser Tag in Cheltenham. We have created this impressive play area and will equip all players with the best guns in the game, so this is the perfect activity for anyone wanting a day of fun with friends or family.

In a room filled with lasers, beams, obstacles and some great teammates, you will truly love the game and be extremely pleased with your choice of activity.

For those guests that don’t fancy a game, we have an on-site café where you can sit back and watch the action.

Book a game of laser tag online today and experience the laser kingdom.

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Opening offer 50% off all bookings! Use code: LASER

Valid on games between 28/07/22 - 07/08/22